External Modem


Downloadable MDP code from the modem controller
Data modem V.90/K56 flex (Rockwell & Motorola) Data modem V.90/X2 (T.I.)
Fax modem send and receive rates up to 14400 bps
V.33, V.17, V.29, V.27 ter, and V.21
AudioSpan (simultaneous audio/voice and data)
TU-T V.61 modulation (4.8 kbps data plus audio)
Audio/silence detection (ML 144) and handset echo cancellation
Handset, headset, or half-duplex speakerphone
Full-duplex speakerphone (FDSP) mode
Acoustic and line echo cancellation
Microphone gain and muting
V.80 or Rockwell Video Ready Mode synchronous access mode (SMA) supports host-based communication protocols (option)
Obtained CTR21 pan-European PTT approval for 18 countries

Yes Good INT'L Corp
6F, No.53, Tam-Chin Rd., Tam-Shui Zhen, Taipei Hsien, Taiwan